Growing With Music connects daycares and families with qualified music teachers who will provide a high quality music exploration experience.
An early childhood music program promotes learning and fun in age appropriate music and movement activities. Socialization, communication, motor and pre-academic skills are encouraged throughout the lessons. In the accepting environment of a Growing With Music class, children learn self awareness, develop school readiness skills and creativity.
Instructors offer a developmental music curriculum for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. For the past three decades we have connected schools, daycares and families in Minneapolis-Saint Paul and throughout Minnesota with the highest qualified early childhood music teachers in the area.
Each Instructor's customized music teaching methods enrich young children. These highly trained music educators teach kids to sing, move, play, and above all have fun while learning musical concepts and gaining valuable developmental skills.
“This program is nurturing and supportive in developing children’s appreciation of and skill in music at their pace. I’m so thankful for this wonderful service.”
~ Karen, Parent - Minneapolis